
What it is and why to adopt responsive design

The watchword is mobility

A website today must not only be beautiful, navigable and functional.
Today it must be suitable for various monitors, fixed, portable and mobile (smartphones, tablets).

In 2003-2004, those who had access to the Web had a desktop PC or notebook. Popular screen sizes ranged from 14″ to 17″ and resolutions from 1024 to 1280 pixels wide.
Making a website meant either using a classic 960px layout, which is the most common, or a fluid design, which is more difficult to manage.
In 2007 the way of navigation was turned upside down. Mobile devices have appeared on the market, increasingly popular among surfers, and usability rules have been invasively impacted.
Browsing habits have changed. Today,in fact, we connect anywhere and often: from the office desk, in the car while waiting for the green light, at home on the couch, under the umbrella, etc.
The devices are different, the monitors too, and the rules of the game must necessarily change and adapt, or you lose visitors and potential customers.

Thus was born responsive design

that is, it is the design that must have the ability to adapt in width and height to its physical container, the display, to cope with this multiscreen navigability situation.
A responsive website is one that automatically adapts to the device in which it is viewed. It allows potential customers to have excellent browsing on all mobile devices such as tablets, Ipads, Iphones, smartphones, as well as from the PC itself.

Neikos Web Agency can design corporate and product sites, ecommerce sites on WordPress and Magento, responsive web portals designed to fully meet the needs of the client.

A responsive website can lead to significant benefits:

  • Reduction in customer churn rate.
    Every customer wants to find the information they want right away without browsing the site too long
  • Improving the loading time of pages on the site.
    Since the site is responsive, loading times are faster and the customer does not abandon the site
  • Increased visibility of the brand and the products/services the company offers

Multiple devices, one version of the site

The Responsive design is contrasted with the technique with which mobile needs are often worked with, that is, the creation of two separate sites, one mobile and the other desktop, which are alternately visible if the domain is queried from one or the other device, but which can still share a common database of information.

Responsive design is not a new programming language, but theintegration of tools that have already beenavailable for a few years: JavaScript, especially the jQuery library, and CSS3.
All organized to best arrange the content within the page, whether viewed from a wide monitor or an Iphone, just to give a few examples.

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