Because web doesn’t mean showcase site
Let’s start with some data:
e-commerce in Italy exceeded 7 billion euros in sales (+28% over 2014).
Online buyers (also Italian) increased by 11 percent in 2015 compared to the previous year.
They count about 17.7 million.
Users are up 3 percent and have reached 38 million.
These data were collected by theDigital Innovation in Retail Observatory sponsored by the School of Management of the Milan Polytechnic.
From this data, it appears that investing in digital transformation is now a must for Retail, as it is for most sectors of the economy.
The Observatory conducted a survey of Italy’s top 300 retailers by revenue.
Both the level of adoption of 30 digital innovations in 2015 (and previous years) and adoption intentions for 2016 were investigated.
Digital innovations were classified into three categories:
- Back-end innovations (retailer-supplier interaction processes or internal retailer processes)
- innovations in the in-store customer experience
- Innovations to supportomnichanneling.
Innovations in the back end
If we talk about the back end, the innovations in which the most resources have been invested are Crm solutions.
Valuable tool that enables companies to identify and manage profiles of acquired or potential customers, trying to understand their needs and expectations.
Theautomation of processes and activities, the communication and billing tools that are processed with the tool, and the organization and knowledge of the data collected are effective decision support for management.
The other innovation involves analytics systems to map customer behavior.
Understand the most visited content, the products considered most interesting but not purchased, reasoning about motivations, choices, the type of browsing done.
The goal is to put interventions in place to address the needs detected and increase sales.
We find solutions to support electronic invoicing.
The goal is to streamline an administrative process, gaining time and resources.
Innovations in the customer experience
Apps or mobile sites with in-store functionality, innovative payment acceptance systems, or automated in-store sales have been developed or enhanced to improve the customer relationship.
Innovations in omnichanneling
In 2015, 50 percent of respondents invested in innovations to interact with their customers remotely, and, in more detail, 21% have developed or enhanced the information site, 22% have developed or enhanced the eCommerce site, 29% have developed theApp or Mobile site and 18% have implemented Social programs
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