
What are push notifications: numbers and success.


When downloading an App, at the time of downloading there is a request for push notifications (opt-in).
On average, 43% of mobile apps receive prior consent.
The most downloaded and liked apps(high-performing apps) saw their opt-in rate for push notifications place as high as 50 percent, with peaks of 70 percent in some areas.


The data are from a study conducted by Urban Airship, a startup specialist in App Engagement services, which analyzed 100 billion push notifications sent by some 3,000 mobile apps to more than 500 million mobile users in 2014.
The survey focused on opt-in for iOS apps, as Android users are not required to activate push notifications (the feature is automatically activated for downloaded apps).


By now, almost all applications downloaded on smartphones, ask to be able to send push notifications, considered by marketers to be an effective tool to extend the App lifecycle and achieve better user engagement.
Through the immediacy of notifications, you get higher response rates, even twice as high, than other channels such as email marketing.
According to Urban Airship, some companies with push notifications have experienced ten times higher click-through rates and 1200% higher conversion rates than email campaigns.

“There are no other communication channels that across the board, across all industries, reach at least one-third of the audience that has given prior consent,” comments Brett Caine, CEO of Urban Airship.
Today, push notifications are seen by readers as a smart way to choose what to know and by publishers as a key value-add that is useful for increasing visits and interactions.

Neikos has developed Cfeed, a mobile system for online publishing, to convey content from blogs and news outlets, in a mobile application.

> Find out what Cfeed is


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