
Community Trademark Registration

Community trademark filing advice and services

Community trademark filing advice and services

Neikos s.r.l. provides assistance and advice in the filing stages, offering a European Union trademark registration and renewal service.

Who can register a CTM.

Either a company or an individual can own a CTM. A CTM is registered for new trademarks and to extend protection, throughout the territory of the European Union. The CTM complements national protection systems. It has a term of ten years from the date of filing the application and is renewable.

The trademark is the most important of the company’s distinguishing marks, and in some cases this directly distinguishes products and services. Not all trademarks are registered, in fact only the smallest fraction of them are. Economically, the trademark is used (and protected) not only for goods or services, but also as a symbol with its own economic value and as an advertising communication tool.
Registrable signs and words, what is meant by a trademark.

An EU trademark can consist of any sign, particularly words (including personal names), or designs, letters, numbers, colors, the shape of goods or the packaging of goods or sounds.

Depending on what you want to protect (a word, a figure, a color, etc.) you have different branding options. The signs that make up a trademark must be able to distinguish the goods and services of one business from those of another. To be eligible for registration, your trademark must be distinctive and must not describe what you sell.

Community trademark registration takes place at the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market, which is based in Spain.

Registration is carried out by Neikos on behalf of the client by filing by Telematics with EUIPO in one of the official languages of the European Union.

Neikos handles all stages of trademark registration:

  1. Representation design
  2. Deposit assistance
  3. Priority search
  4. Submission of application
  5. Support and assistance for oppositions

Online filing involves a basic fee paid directly to EUIPO and provides trademark protection for only one class of goods or services. To add more classes, a fee will be paid for each that increases proportionally.

To receive information and quote for registering a CTM, please contact us.

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