
Sirfa srl

The catalog solution for companies specializing on a single product.

Institutional website and product catalog

SIRFA- Industrie Sannite Riunite Fiammiferi e Affini- owned by the Marsiglia family, has kept alive a production that bases its origins in 1880.

It has been administered for more than 50 years by Vincenzo Marsiglia, the founder’s grandson, who with wisdom and spirit of sacrifice guards a precious legacy made of values and tradition, for the family and the territory.

The company has been producing “family” type matches, which can be lit anywhere, since 1880; its strength, lies in the strong specialization in the production of the product, the love and attention spent on its manufacture, the care taken in all stages of the process


A Neikos Digital Agency client since 2006, Sirfa’s management, while having a business from traditional production processes and products, decided to face the challenges of the future by taking their company “mobile.”
In 2022 he again entrusts neikos with the restyling of the site, which from a one-page site becomes an institutional site with a responsive, streamlined and effective layout.

The simple and functional product catalog “mitigates” the apparent contrast between a traditional product and the modernity of the Web.

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