
Meteo, Progressive Web App PWA

Progressive Web App. Weather forecast in the Campania region.

Progressive Web App

Weather in Campania is an example of a progressive web app. Born in 2018 from the collaboration between Neikos Digital Agency of Benevento and a W MO ( World Meteorological Organization) Meteorological Technician.
The purpose of Weather in Campania is to reduce the margin of error on regional weather forecasts by updating them daily to provide ad hoc forecasts.


The structure of Weather in Campania

Meteoincampania.it is a very personalized web app in which, on the home page is clearly visible the map of the Campania Region and the five provinces (Naples, Avellino, Benevento, Caserta and Salerno) in which the weather forecasts are shown, and on the top left the logo made by the Neikos Digital Agency.
Below the regional map, there is a short text description of the forecast from a minimum of 5 days to a maximum of one month.
Neikos Digital Agency, in collaboration with the Meteorologist Technician, has created an article section, in which they address:

  • weather chronicle
  • trends
  • adverse conditions
  • seasonal analysis
  • Facts and events related to nature and the environment.

In addition, there is a section devoted to weather forecast videos that are uploaded to a YouTube channel and then to the site.

The features of Web Apps and the activation of push notifications

Weather in Campania is to all intents and purposes an example of a Progressive Web App and for that reason it has all the features of this web technology:

  • Responsive, they are compatible for desktop and any mobile device, providing a great browsing experience;
  • Installable, users can install the app on the device instantly without going through the stores;
  • Instantly browsable and offline
  • Interactive, through the sending of push notifications
  • Google indexable and trackable
  • App like
  • Safe

A very important feature is its interoperability; in fact, Meteo in Campania allows it to relate to the user’s device by sending push notifications.
The push is a message that is sent to all subscribers, online and offline, and are visible on the browser in a pop-up window.

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