An online fashion ecommerce offers customers a convenient and convenient shopping experience.
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From a study conducted at the Netcomm Forum 2017 of Milan since MM-One Group Study Center, which researches the dynamics of the digital market in…
Ecommerce in Italy Ecommerce continues its rise. A +10% increase was recorded in 2016, with the number of usersreaching 20.7 million. The value of transactions…
Fashion e-commerce is growing rapidly. In Italy, it recorded a 35 percent increase in sales, double the average for total e-commerce.
Research and development agreement signed between Lab81, Neikos and Zerogrey
Neikos formalizes its relationship with Kooomo, one of the top five e-commerce platforms in the world.
In the past 5 years, the web in the fashion industry has grown by 30 percent. Sales record a 0.2 percent decline. How to continue to be competitive in the market and make money?
In 2013, Italian online sales abroad grew by 28 percent. In Italy, only 11 percent have an e-commerce storefront. In short, there is ample room for improvement in an increasingly interesting market.
20 million Italians have bought online at least once in their lifetime; 9.4 million are regular shoppers on a monthly basis. But the biggest growth comes through mobile