Cars: by 2025, one in four customers will buy online. Britta Seeger, who heads Mercedes marketing and sits on Daimler’s board, puts it bluntly: “We…
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Many companies are beginning to sell their products on Amazon. This large marketplace is growing over the years. More companies are now entering the electronic…
Marketplaces are virtual places that act as intermediaries between sellers and buyers. They offer sellers, visibility among a high number of potential customers and allow…
How to succeed in exporting your products and services abroad What are the right tools to succeed in selling your products abroad? How to effectively…
Ecommerce in Italy Ecommerce continues its rise. A +10% increase was recorded in 2016, with the number of usersreaching 20.7 million. The value of transactions…
Food sector in Italy: online food & grocery grows 30 percent and is worth nearly 600 million euros.
Fashion e-commerce is growing rapidly. In Italy, it recorded a 35 percent increase in sales, double the average for total e-commerce.
Black Friday is approaching: unmissable discounts await us! A few tips on all the promotions not to be missed.
In the past 5 years, the web in the fashion industry has grown by 30 percent. Sales record a 0.2 percent decline. How to continue to be competitive in the market and make money?
The purpose of an e-commerce is to sell. In addition to appeal in design, speed in loading data, simple checkout process, there are other key elements that can determine the success of an ecommerce site
All those who sell goods and services online and are based in Europe will have to include a link to the ODR platform for online dispute resolution on their website
In 2013, Italian online sales abroad grew by 28 percent. In Italy, only 11 percent have an e-commerce storefront. In short, there is ample room for improvement in an increasingly interesting market.
Made in Italy is liked and sales grow +4.1 percent. With ecommerce, export competitiveness is improved with SME-friendly budgets